Valentines Day Extravaganza!

Valentines Day Heart ColorWell depending on where you stand on the relationship spectrum this Thursday could mark either your favorite, or most dreaded day of the year. That’s right, I’m talking about Valentines Day. Thankfully, no matter how existent/non-existent your love life is, WLOY is here to offer a grand experience for all. This Thursday, February 14th WLOY will be hosting a Valentines Day event in the Reading Room between 9pm and 11pm. 

We will be serving FREE pizza from Toss along with featured poetry courtesy of the Greyhound Collective Poetry Revival. In addition, Loyola student, Peter Whitaker, will be strumming melodious tunes on his love making machine while you help yourself to a FREE ice-cream sundae bar.

To top it off we will be having a raffle that costs only 1 dollar to enter with all proceeds going towards Relay for Life. The winner of this raffle will receive a FREE dinner for two to Americana Bar & Grill along with FREE movie tickets. So don’t waste your Thursday night hitting the bottle and listening to “Wonder Wall” on repeat while you sob silently into your pillow. Instead, hit up this event, because it’s going to be the opposite of all the things you hate. We look forward to seeing you then!


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