Review: Sistrionix – Deap Vally


Deap-Vally-Sistrionix-2013-1200x1200Deap Vally


[itunes link=”″ title=”Sistrionix-Deap Vally”]

Grade: C+


Who would’ve thought the rock duo, Deap Vally would meet each other in a crochet class in California! Lindsey Troy on guitar and vocals, and Julie Edwards on drums and vocals released their debut album, Sistrionix, early this year. With comparisons to the [itunes link=”″ title=”White Stripes” text=”White Stripes”], [itunes link=”″ title=”Joan Jett” text=”Joan Jett”] and [itunes link=”″ title=”Janis Joplin” text=”Janis Joplin”], the two has taken the music world by storm.

Deap Vally is brings back blues-rock with their cool guitar riffs, gritty licks and hard hitting drums. Their use of distortion and effects not only on the guitar but on vocals help bring their music to life, while showing of their immense talent. Through out the album there is a reoccurring theme within their lyrics, and that is “Girl Power.” These angry lyrics are geared towards being badass women and bashing men which is exactly what Deap Vally is.

Lindsey Troy is a vocal powerhouse, not to mention that she completely wails on the guitar. While Julie Edwards keeps the rhythm on lockdown with her sick drum beats.

Deap Vally is truly a force to be reckoned with and will change the face of rock music while opening more doors for females in rock.





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