Review: Night Riots- Young Love

thNight Riots

Young Lore

[itunes link=”″ title=”Young Lore EP “]

Grade: A

California rocker, Night Riots self-funded this amazing EP. Young Lore is just 6 songs of absolute fun-it combines, harmonic vocals, solid drumming and simple yet amazing guitar riffs. The saying, “simple is better” really defines these indie rocker, though each song is clearly thought out, none of the songs are over produced instrumental wise. It’s surprising to think this is just an EP; many of the songs definitely hold their own and can definitely help carry an album. I cannot find any faults in this album, the music is great, you can feel the heart and passion in each song, the transitions are great, Young Lore is absolutely amazing. If this is just an EP, I cannot wait to see how what an album would be like from these guys. It is only up from here for these guys. This album is definitely worth checking out!


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