Album Review: No Capes-Open Mind

a1072068776_10No Capes-Open Mind

Released: January 15, 2016

Rate: 9/10

Annapolis bred band, “No Capes” just released their debut album, Open Mind this past January. The 10 song album gives off vibes of rock, blues, funk, indie and even a subtle hint of jazz. If you like: Bad Suns, Two Door Cinema club, Phoenix, or even Bombay Bicycle Club, you will definitely enjoy No Capes.

Honestly, I am surprised a major label hasn’t picked them up yet. For being such a young band, they have such a great grasp on music/song arrangement, time/rhythm, the formation of their own sound and create some quality lyrics. You have to give props to their bassist, he is vastly proficient at what he does with filling the pockets of space with in their songs… his bass lines are pretty amazing (and a special shootout to the slapping in their song “Mermaid”). Their guitarists and drummer are just as good, but bassists can sometimes be underrated and their bassists “Nick Howard” definitely deserves a shoutout.

Again, with being such a young band, the are extremely talented musicians- instrumentally and the vocalists fits perfectly into their genre of music. Will Guild (vocalist, and rhythm guitarist), has a strong, deep voice, with some raspy elements too it and a pretty good range. I am excited for what’s next for them, as cliche as it may sound, I think they are the next big thing. If there is anything I can offer as advice to the band, is to get more active on social media, and with that Good Job No Capes!



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