Underworld- Barbara Barbara , We face a shining future

cover170x170-5Underworld-Barbara Barbara,We face a shining future

Released: March 18, 2016 

Rate: 6/10

With a vibe similar to “Talking Heads”, Underworld releases the album, Barbara Barbara, We face a shining future after a six year hiatus. The album is a testament to their electronic nature. The British band, consisting of Karl Hyde and Rick Smith, combine electronic music with deep bass lines, rhythmic percussion and pretty average vocals.

But with that being said, they do provide a underlying haunting tone akin to their name “Underworld” along with that, there are areas that precipitate a spacey and astronomical view akin to the album title, “We face a shining future”. Though not particularly my style of music, there is something very “new wave” or “new age” about this band. You can definitely appreciate the genius that goes behind making this type of music as well as making this album. After a six year hiatus, I think this album is a valiant effort in getting back into the music world and I am curious as to what else to have in their sleeve and has up next when it comes to live performances, more music and future albums.

1 Comment

  1. Billy D

    Margaret, I’ve been listening to Underworld for more than 25 years in all their variations. I’m trying to like this cause their past few albums haven’t been up to scratch. This time they made something very listenable. They created music that sounds like Underworld. My main problem with this is the vinyl version. The bass is overpowering to the point of being unlistenable. I have to turn it almost all the way down. I played albums of similar genres to check the bass and they are all normal. I play the cd version and it sounds fine. I’m not sure how they managed to pack such low frequencies onto a normal lp length. I would have to give it a 6/10 for the vinyl and an 8 1/2 for the cd.

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