Lukas Graham-Blue

cover170x170-6Luke Graham-Blue

Released: April 01, 2016

Rate: 4/10

Lukas Graham, originally from Christiania an artistic community in the middle of Copenhagen, released his second studio album, Blue  through Warner Bros. Records. Originally garnering American buzz and success from his song, “7 years”, the album is a kind of a disappointment. Blue, is pretty stagnant and does not drift far, melodically from 7 years. Graham however, does try to explore other genres of music: some R&B, some funk, etc. but it ends up making the album come off sloppy and disjointed.

Though, without a doubt, Graham has a great voice and vocal range, the style of music he has decided to play does not compliment that voice very well; not to mention, lyrically it is kind of a flop. Furthermore, the album can come off whiney, and childish. Though, it seems that Graham was given freedom to explore his writing, music and channel his experiences into that, however the finished product does not seem to come to fruition as well I think it could. Though this is only the start for Lukas Graham, he did not start off on the best foot. However there could be a silver lining in all this for Graham and his band because there can only go up from here… I hope..  the real question will be when and what is next and what will it be like.


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