Middle Grades Radio Boot Camp

It’s time for this year’s Middle Grades Partnership summer radio boot camp at WLOY! This year’s class is a bit smaller, at 13, but they’re already having a blast. Students come in for a 2 day session. Day 1 is a discussion of the process of radio programming and production, a chance to select and read news stories live on the air and planning for a feature story.

Over the course of the next week, the students work independently to develop their very own feature story on a topic of their choosing. For Day 2 the students sit down and review their written feature, convert it to a radio text and record it. We add in production elements from sound effects to music beds in order to enhance their work. Once complete, you’ll be able to hear their stories on the air on WLOY and right here on the website.

This is our 3rd year of the program and it’s always a ton of fun to give rising 9th graders a chance to experience something new and special Stay tuned for their finished works and tune in on the 13th and 14th to WLOY at 11am to hear their live news reads.


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