A-Rod Admits To PED Use

Alex Rodriguez New York Yankees controversial third baseman officially admitted to the DEA during a meeting in January that he did use PED’s…as if we’re surprised by this.

According to a report from the Miami Herald, Rodriguez confessed to paying Biogenesis founder Anthony Bosch for providing him with testosterone cream, testosterone gummies, HGH injections. The released report from the DEA stated, “Rodriguez injected the HGH into his stomach. Rodriguez said Bosch told him the HGH would help with sleep, weight, hair growth, eyesight and muscle recovery.”

Bosch also reportedly gave Rodriguez advice and training on how to pass urine tests.

The very large majority of us already knew A-Rod was guilty of taking PED’s, so the question is, why does this matter now?

It matters now because this admission from Rodriguez comes after he was already reinstated to the Yankees organization, and after it was known that he wasn’t at risk of receiving any further punishment from Major League Baseball.

Rodriguez’s open admission to the DEA contradicts hisĀ many public statements where he harshly pleaded his innocence. He even went so far as to schedule an interview with New York radio personality Michael Kay on “The Michael Kay Show” in order to plead his case of innocence and call out those who stood against him.

Court filings also revealed that Rodriguez paid his cousin, Yuri Sucart, $1 million in exchange for his silence on the matter.

That is why this matters now. Coincidentally it means nothing to his reinstatement to the league as the paperwork has already gone through. Like it or not, A-Rod is coming back, but it most likely will not be with open arms.


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