Hot Chip – One Life Stand
Quirkiness is a funny quality. I mean, seriously, attach that label to music and attention will be paid- I guarantee you. This undoubtedly stems from what most eager music listeners strive for: something different, but not too far out of their comfort zone. Hot Chip fills this description fairly well. The dance-oriented band from the United Kingdom has been considered catchy enough for the mainstream but still satisfying for the more refined tastes of electronic enthusiasts (for something fun, at least). Hot Chip possess that “quirky” quality- a little hard to define, but definitely that ONE song or sound that sends your radar off a little. One Life Stand is satisfying in this sense. It leaves you with a little grin and your head bobbing whether you’re that audiophile with the Autechre discography or my little sister. That being said, don’t expect anything even close to consistency, because, once again, Hot Chip fails in this paramount aspect.