Album Review: Sabrina Starke- Sabrina Starke

cover170x170-9Sabrina Starke-Sabrina Starke

Released: September 9, 2015

Rate: 10/10

Born in Paramaribo, Suriname and raised in the Netherlands, Jazz, R&B, soul, folk fusion artist, Sabrina Starke released her self- titled album Sabrina Starke. If you like Nina Simone, Tracy Chapman or Billie Holliday, you will enjoy Starke and her album.

Album Review: Miss Massive Snowflake – The Final Photograph

12654654_1071075306247350_1039348580832616692_nMiss Massive Snowflake – The Final Photograph

Released: April 7, 2016

Rate: 6/10

North Pole Record’s artist, “Miss Massive Snowflake”, released the album The Final Photograph not too long ago. The band, a trio, comprised of: Shane de Leon, Jeanne Kennedy Crosby and Andy Brown brings a mixture of psychedelic rock, some pop and jazz to make up the album.