This week’s Quarantine Takeover show is hosted by bassist, lead singer and former WLOY DJ Matt Weitzel! Breakforth is a Hard Rock/Post Grunge band with Heavy Metal influences from Baltimore, Maryland. Driving the heart of Breakforth is the chest thumping, gut busting, drum work of Seth Champness Smith. This is complimented by the catchy, yet hard hitting, and unapologetic guitars of Paul Gambichler. Rounding out Breakforth is the rock solid bass grooves and powerful, melodic vocals of Matt Weitzel. The most important thing to us is the music. Our never ending goal is to Breakforth from the norm and bring to the table music that moves people physically and emotionally and lyrics that can inspire others just as our heroes have inspired us. So prepare to jam with one of the hardest rocking bands in the Baltimore music scene. Matt’s going heavy with the show as you can guess, but he’s a pro – currently working at a hard rock FM station here in town that you can find between 97-99 on the dial 🙂 What’s he going to play you ask? That seems like a spoiler so you’ll have to click to see more if you want. Better yet, listen in to find out why he picked these tracks and what’s up with the band!