WLOY Welcomes Bangladesh Radio Delegation


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WLOY had the honor of welcoming a delegation of community radio broadcasters from Bangladesh yesterday.  Radio Jhenuk, Radio Padma, and Radio Mahananda operators along with a Senior Assistant Secretary from the Ministry of Information spent 2 hours in the station talking about community radio projects created by WLOY and the Baltimore Community Radio Coalition.  We discussed the evolution of our Both Feet In radio program and the creation of the Word on the Street newspaper resulting from it.  

Climbadonkey Interview

20120817140452-climbadonkey_smallWhat if you recorded an album, and then never released it? What if 30 years later, someone handed you the master tapes and said, “this is good, you should do something with it.”? Well, Climbadonkey went from on the rise, to broken up back in the 1970s in Baltimore, leaving behind a full album recording that was never released. The guys in the band went on to form a lot of other good bands including the Ravyns and Crack the Sky, to name a few. Now, here they are, with a finished album from the good old days and a plan to reunite and tour behind it.

Walter Parks Interview & Performance

Walter Parks, solo artist, guitarist for the now-late Richie Havens, leader of Swamp Cabbage, and all around nice guy stopped by the station finally. We’ve only been trying to make that happen for 4 years… It seemed that something always came up when we tried to make it work so when we finally got the stars to align, I wasn’t going to let him leave after a few questions. Fortunately Walter (and his lovely wife Margo) stuck around for over an hour playing and talking.

Dave DeMarco Interview

297435_254756681231162_122864161087082_761423_269770116_n-269x300Bassist Dave DeMarco has played on a lot of different projects over his career. According to his website, Dave is only involved with 5 bands right now… Most recently he has been the bass player for Crack the Sky, one of Baltimore’s legendary bands that just released a new album. Dave stopped by the station on February 19, 2013 to sit down with Tim Tilghman on the Radio RockonTour show to play a bit and talk about his past, present and future projects.