We never complain when we get noticed. The leading radio industry magazine RadioWorld contains an article on the National Student Electronic Media Convention which includes WLOY and our programs for…
THE BEST WAY TO SPREAD CHRISTMAS IS SINGING LOUD FOR ALL TO HEAR! Another way to get in the spirit is coming to the Mayor's Christmas Parade in Hampden on…
THIS SEMESTER IS SLOWLY COMING TO A CLOSE. This means we only have one Late Night event left! WLOY is having two local artists that will make McGuire the place…
The winner of #wloythanksgiving is Philip Dayao! Philip and his co-DJ brother were lucky enough to not only spend Thanksgiving together, but also able to go Black Friday shopping. They…
Angela Sheik will be appearing at Thursday night's Coffeehouse! She's worth a listen (and maybe more than just one). Angela is gifted in instruments such as the autoharp, theremin, and…
#wloydorms winner is : Sam Chemali! Her room was perfectly decorated! Way to go, Sam! To check out her picture, go to our Instagram, WLOY_radio. NEXT WEEK'S HASHTAG IS: #wloythanksgiving…
Word on the Street is an independent newspaper run by volunteers who have experienced homelessness. Their experience sheds light on the struggles of homelessness as well as the underlying causes…
Mark Hopkins and the Hotel are coming to our next Late Night Event this Thursday. Make sure to "check in" to McGuire Hall to see this band play live. (See…
The winner of #wloysweaterweather is Grace Charlton! She gave us great ideas to keep warm during these chilly days! (She even wore a WLOY crewneck!) Check out her picture on…