Josh Taerk-Here’s to change

cover170x170-1Josh Taerk-Here’s to change

Release: June 1, 2015

Rate: 5/10

At only 25, Josh Taerk’s album Here’s to change has an old time feel; the album sounds very mature and polished from someone so young. In some instances it sounds like a live album than a studio recording. Lyrics that give off hues of personal experience, triumph and growth radiate through out the entire album. I would say Josh Taerk is a more acoustic, one man version of the band “Train”.

Betty Moon-Pantomania

FOLDOVERBetty Moon-Pantomania

Release: July 28, 2015

Rate: 8/10

Betty Moon, a Toronto born singer, songwriter, producer and filmmaker’s album Pantomania is an album that exhibits her deep sultry vocal tone. Her music as well as the album has vibes from Madonna and musicality similar to bands like WarPaint, Phantogram and Massive Attack. The sound is very spacey/futuristic pop with an underlying rock base executed by the distorted guitars. The sound is very mesmerizing and groovy; one of the songs on the album “Thunder” sounds a lot like “R U Mine?” by the Arctic Monkeys.

Rabbit Wilde-The Heartland

1453949073063Rabbit Wilde-The Heartland

Release: February 19, 2016

Rate: 6/10

Rabbit Wilde formerly known as Wild Rabbit is a multi-instrument playing quarter from Bellingham, WA. The band consists of brothers: Zach and Nathan Hamer, Miranda Zickler and Jillian Walker; the band is set to release their LP The Heartland, February 19 and it is to be a follow up from their EP Southern Hands released the Fall of 2015. Rabbit Wilde has a sound similar to The LumineersOf Monsters and Men, and The Civil Wars.

Daughters-Not To Disappear

daughter1Daughter-Not To disappear

Released: January 15, 2016

Rate: 10/10

The band Daughter, gained notoriety from their single, “Youth”. Their sophomore album, Not to disappear picks up right where the previous album lefts up. Though keeping with their “indie folk” mixed with similar sounds to bands like Warpaint, Phantogram and the artist “Ben Howard”. Creating an atmosphere, a world all their own, Daughters, gives its listener an array of melodies, colorful imagery, and Elena Tonrah’s voice is the glue that combines everything together creating the energy of Daughter.

Little King-OD1

cover170x170Little King: OD1

Released: April 15, 2014

Rate: 4/10

It may be hard to believe but, Little King has been around for quite sometime, having formed in November of 1996. OD1 is one of the latest band released by the trio. The EP is a nod to classic roc, livened up with melodic guitar riffs; with a sound similar to Guns N’ Roses, Aerosmith, and many classic rock greats, the group seems to have missed the mark on this particular album.

Pablo Picker- Paper Ships



Pablo Picker: Paper ships

Release date: January 22, 2016

Rate: 7/10

Pablo Picker a Boston based artist released his fourth studio album very recently, in January to be exact! The vibe of the album is eclectic, with an overarching feeling of uplift, new beginnings, youth and of course, love. Paper Ships musically, gives of a variety of genres, such as a rocky vibe akin to Paul McCartney and the Beatles, simple bar music, and even instances of folk, ragtime/jazz and blues.

Nathaniel Bellows-The Old Illusions

a0894428352_10Nathaniel Bellows: The Old Illusions

Release: June 2, 2015

Rate: 9/10

Hailing from Boston, Massachusett, Nathaniel Bellows releases his first EP The Old Illusions, is definitely quite an album to be introduced to him by. The musician, visual artist and writer has music akin to folk stars, Mumford and Sons and Hudson Taylor. The Old Illusions is simply a man and his guitar; combining Bellows’ haunting voice akin (again) to the baritone base of Marcus Mumford, and his introspective, and colorful lyrics aid in the immense quality of this record.

Review: Stephanie Berlanga-The way things go

Stephanie Berlanga: The way things go 

Release Date: December 29, 2011 

Rate: 7/10 

Stephanie Berlanga’s The way things go, is definitely a step in the right direction for this vocal powerhouse. Described, by many as playing “acoustic pop music” Berlanga’s EP definitely shows off her wide range and powerful vocals, the production on the album is amazing especially for someone who is an up and coming artist. The album gives a small insight into what Berlanga can do; she mixes various different genres, including some country, pop, acoustic, and some alternative rock.