Concert Review: Thunderpussy at Metro Gallery

A live concert photo of Whitney and Molly from Thunderpussy. Whitney leans on Molly and plays guitar and Molly sings into a vintage looking mic.
Whitney and Molly of Thunderpussy
A live concert photo of Whitney and Molly from Thunderpussy. Whitney leans on Molly and plays guitar and Molly sings into a vintage looking mic.
Whitney and Molly
of Thunderpussy
If there was just one word that I had to choose to describe Thunderpussy, it would be captivating. I had the chance to see Thunderpussy on Sunday, August 11th, at Metro Gallery here in good ole’ Baltimore. It was the Seattle based band’s first show in Baltimore. The show was opened by Baltimore’s own, Thunder Club. Thunder Club was very quick to acknowledge that there was no relation between them and Thunderpussy, but instead, was just a happy accident. Thunder Club opened the show with an incredible set of indie rock that was energetic, fun and incredibly good. I’m a little ashamed to admit that I hadn’t heard of Thunder Club before that since they are from the area, but will be sure to listen to now. Isn’t that what live music is for?! Their new EP, Summer Vice, is the perfect album for summer days, and I’m sure will stay in my rotation for a while. 

Thunder Club was followed by Hollis Brown – a straight-up rock ‘n’ roll band from Queens, NY. The band played a set of music that sounded like a great blend of the classic rock ‘n’ roll sound that we all know and love, with a modern, and interesting twist – I expected nothing else from a band named after a Bob Dylan song. Even though it is a very retro sound, the band is reviving it and doing it very, very well. Although different in sound from Thunderpussy, I think the two bands on a lineup together was a great choice, as they are both bands very influenced by classic rock, but making music that takes that style in a new way. 

After Hollis Brown, Thunderpussy came on and immediately captivated the audience. I knew the show was going to be good when Whitney, the guitarist, jumped on to the stage (who needs stairs?!) pulling a beer out of her very sequined pants before grabbing her guitar and a violin bow and starting the set. The band members got on stage one by one, adding their instruments, and voices, as they entered. They opened with ‘Trust A Man’, which is one of my favorite songs by them. By the third song, I was absolutely hooked. A lot of people talk about how great bands have lead singers with great stage presence, but Thunderpussy’s entire band does, which feels like an oddity of sorts. The lead singer, Molly, can command a stage and an audience like it’s no-one’s business, but that doesn’t mean the rest of Thunderpussy is secondary to that. It feels very in line with the true rock ‘n’ roll spirit in the sense that the stage presence was very much there, and the music was something everyone can connect to and jam along with in their own way. I really can’t string together the right words to explain how good they are, and how effortless they make it seem. 

Although very much influenced by a classic sound, Thunderpussy definitely carves a space of their own. All of the women in the band are queer or gay, which is especially important when you think about how they are very much influenced and working with a sound that has traditionally been dominated by straight white men. And it’s not that they or the music is good because of this, or that it is a gimmick- it doesn’t matter who is in the band, they are making incredible music. It is important that we make space in our scenes for everyone, and specifically in genres that have traditionally been dominated by a specific group of people.

All in all, I knew Thunderpussy’s show was going to be good, but I didn’t know it would be that good. I had a chance to talk to Molly, Whitney, and Leah after the show, and they are all the sweetest people on top of everything else. Make sure to listen to them, and go out to a show if they are near you. I believe in this band, and so should you. 


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