Black Friday

Happy Black Friday! Click here for PDF Copy

Hey WLOY listeners, thanks for tuning in over Thanksgiving break.  Somehow you have managed to wake up after the rush of tryptophan and all the other amino acids in the Turkey Day bird knocked you out.  And upon awaking, you have chosen to stick it to the man by not going out and shopping and listening to WLOY instead.

Presumably, loyal listener, you have wanted to avoid the fate of the Wal-Mart employee who was trampled to death at a Long Island store last Black Friday.  As there are a number of students in the Loyola community from Long Island, this was probably a concern for many of you.  Generally, on these features we focus on issues in Baltimore, but luckily there is not much in the way of Black Friday mayhem in Charm City to report.  There are plenty of stores around town in Baltimore opening as early as 6, 5, or even 4 AM.  These early openers are generally chain retail stores that are opening this early at all their locations throughout the country.  So with most of the Loyola community back home at the moment, it is appropriate that we focus on a story with a wider geographical swath than usual.

So then, ultimately what is the news for today?  The news is that you have got your radio dial tuned into 1620 AM, and that means you have got some awesome tuneage coming your way.  You have made a smart decision to avoid the insanity of today’s shopping scene.  So kick back, pop some leftovers into the microwave, turn on some college football or one of the several TV marathons, invite over some friends, and keep it tuned in to Loyola Radio.


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