He’s Got To Go!

rice-480x320There are no more excuses the NFL can provide, no more apologies that can be made, and no more field time that can be pictured. Action needs to be taken against Ray Rice by the Baltimore Ravens and the NFL immediately.

There was already enough controversy over the fact that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended Ravens’ Running Back Ray Rice a total of 2 games for domestic violence charges filed against Rice. The mistake made by Goodell in terms of his decision was magnified by the fact that he has been cracking down on players smoking marijuana, and taking that more seriously than a domestic violence case.

Now there can be no more questions as to whether or not Rice hit his then girlfriend, now wife, Janay Palmer. Thanks to TMZ Sports, the security video from within the elevator where the crime happened has now surfaced, and it is appalling.

What you see in the video is Rice take not one, but two hefty swings at Palmer, landing the second one so heavily that it took her off her feet, flinging her to the back of the elevator where her head landed on the metal railing, knocking her out cold.

Multiple sources have stated that the NFL not only requested this tape when they first looked into this case, but actually had access to it when their decision was made. In a statement issued today, the NFL has said “That video was not made available to us and no one in our office has seen it until today.”

To think that the NFL, with all of its resources, somehow couldn’t obtain this tape before the brilliant news source that is TMZ, is ludicrous. ESPN’s Adam Schefter stated on-air today that insiders have told him that at least one member of the NFL committee knew about the tape, which means that more people had to know about it.

If you are Roger Goodell, you have a chance to make up for your dreadful decision over the summer. There can be no place for this in the NFL. Even if Goodell doesn’t take any further action, the Ravens have the option to release Rice, an option they should very strongly consider. As a fan of the game, and as a disgusted human being, I strongly believe there is no place for Rice in professional football, and he’s got to go!

To watch the video, click here, but I warn you that the video is highly disturbing and graphic in nature.

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