Museum Monday: The Big Hope Show

MuseumMondayOct5What: The Big Hope Show

Where: American Visionary Art Museum

When: October 3 2015 – September 4 2016

It is time to stop by the American Visionary Art Museum to see the exhibition of The Big Hope Show. Featuring 25+ artists who have been through traumatic life situations. It is an exhibition of hope, shown through the artists life. There is an eclectic variety of art displayed throughout the exhibition. Artists such as Bobby Adams and Wayne Coyne are show cased in this wonderful exhibit. There is some heartfelt work displayed, like, Chris Roberts-Antieau’s work revolving around beating cancer.

The American Visionary Art Museum was founded in 1995, relatively new, they have hosted a wide variety of shows. They typically host more modern shows. Come check it out!

Click here for more info!


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