Nathaniel Bellows-The Old Illusions

a0894428352_10Nathaniel Bellows: The Old Illusions

Release: June 2, 2015

Rate: 9/10

Hailing from Boston, Massachusett, Nathaniel Bellows releases his first EP The Old Illusions, is definitely quite an album to be introduced to him by. The musician, visual artist and writer has music akin to folk stars, Mumford and Sons and Hudson Taylor. The Old Illusions is simply a man and his guitar; combining Bellows’ haunting voice akin (again) to the baritone base of Marcus Mumford, and his introspective, and colorful lyrics aid in the immense quality of this record.
There are times when listening to this album, that you will unknowingly be tapping your foot or nodding your head. This is definitely an album you should listen to more than once, each listen gives you a different impression of the music and definitely, Nathaniel Bellows as a musician. Can’t wait to see what he does in the future!


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