The Flaming Lips and Neon Indian – The Flaming Lips and Neon Indian
Everything is in its right place, perfectly as you would expect a Flaming Lips and Neon Indian collaboration to play out. With little fanfare, Wayne Coyne personally hand-delivers the EP to record stores in his local Oklahoma City area (only two stores are reported to be carrying the EP at this point), the artwork is indistinct, and a main facet of the all-vinyl release is that not two single vinyls are adorned with the same color or pattern– unique, and exactly what we could expect from such a work. The collaboration makes perfect sense, after all.
Reproducing 1967: Robyn Hitchcock at The Birchmere
Robyn Hitchcock sings the songs of Joe Boyd
Direct From 1967 weaves the talents of Producer Joe Boyd with guitarist Robyn Hitchcock in the performance of musical selections produced by Boyd during his prolific career. This daring duo showcased choice compositions at the Birchmere Music Hall in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday, March 9, 2011.
Battle of the Bands this Thursday!
Sports Saturday: Orioles’ Home Opener
The weather is getting nicer, and we all know what that means, it’s time for America’s favorite past-time. The Home Opener of the Orioles’ 2011 season will be on April 4th, down at Camden Yards. The O’s will be taking on the Detroit Tigers, and they need all the support they can get. The Orioles are definitely looking to rebound from a very disappointing season in 2010, but things are looking up. New to the team are Short Stop Cesar Izturis, Pitcher Kevin Gregg, and the power hitting 1st Baseman Derek Lee. With its new line-up, the team is hoping to take on its main rivals, the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox.
Song Dedications at Relay!
Food Friday: “Spoil Your Palate”
On April 2nd the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum is the place to be, as it will be hosting Santé, the premier food pairing event. This year’s theme is simple, “Spoil Your Palate,” however; the preparation for the event has been anything but simple. Organized to benefit the National Kidney Foundation of Maryland, Santé brings together Baltimore’s finest chefs, food, wines, locally-brewed beers, and all sorts of spirits under one roof. In addition to wonderful food and exciting drinks, there will also be live music and a silent auction at the event. With tons of great items to bid on, proceeds from the auction will go directly to the National Kidney Foundation of Maryland, a nonprofit, voluntary health organization dedicated to treating those affected by kidney diseases.
Live at Boulder Top 20: 3/25/11
In case you missed Tim and Amanda outside of Boulder on Friday from 11-1, here’s the list of songs they played. The Strokes’ “Under Cover of Darkness” remains number 1 for three weeks in a row. Their fourth studio album, Angles, was released March 22nd. Look out for DOM’s “Hunny” to sneakily steal the Number 2 spot from Smith Westerns next week.
Flip Flop Fridays
TOP 40: 3/25
Bright Eyes’ The People’s Key remains at the top of our list, but we do have some newcomers in the psych folk Timbre Timbre, the surfy Hunx and his Punx, and the dreamy Joan as Police Woman. The top 5 remains stagnant, with the unmovable Cold War Kids, Decemberists, and company bolstering Oberst’s top spot; but keep an eye out for DOM, who may be moving into our top 5 very soon!