Top 40 for the Week of 3.15.10

This week’s Top 40 sees Dan Black take over the top spot. We also see big debuts from Alkaline Trio, Cedar Avenue, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, as well as the Gorillaz. This week’s Top 40 is brought to you by the shattered World Cup dreams of David Beckham. It’s okay, big guy. Like I always say, there’s always next year! Or, maybe there isn’t…

La Verite – Elephant

No matter how extensively I listen to purely instrumental music, I don’t think I’ll ever stop being surprised at how resonating an effect wordless music has on me. I’ve always been a sucker for lyrics. They often make matters simple, providing a context for me to spill my reactions and feelings. To say that instrumental music provides a little more freedom would be an understatement. Elephant is the proof. Upon constructing a musical soundscape both devoid of and teeming with life and energy at disparate points, La Verite have proven themselves to be surprising masters of their domain, providing the first not-so-subtle post-rock behemoth of 2010.

Suis La Lune – Heir EP (2008)

As much as it pains me to admit it, my music of choice lately, as a whole, has its restrictions. Based on chaotic energy, dynamic guitars, overwhelming emotions and the like, “screamo” tends to be a bit off-putting because of the sheer tenacity and overwhelming nature of the music. It’s a large generalization, of course, but it’s fairly accurate when judging the music known for its ravenous screams. Enter Suis La Lune’s Heir EP. A mere quartet of songs, the Heir EP claws and digs its way into the ranks of the lofty, holy classics of the genre.

Crime In Stereo – I Was Trying To Describe You To Someone

It’s one thing to discover a band through their recorded material and consequently see them live, but it’s a whole ‘nother deal to be introduced to a band live and accordingly hear their album. Well, this is the case for me, at least. The whole system of expectations is just a bit out of whack. Sometimes sound and energy translate, many times it doesn’t… well, there’re just many more variables and uncertainties that leave me a little uneasy with the experience. This was the case with Crime In Stereo. Opening for Thrice and Brand New is no easy task, the frontman made himself memorable with his shrill screams amidst the post-hardcore-esque flurry of guitars. Anyway, going into the Long Island natives’ 2010 LP, I tried to keep an open mind, but I have to admit I was a little excited. And what happens when I get excited about something again?… oh, that’s right! I get let down.

New Releases for the week of 3.1.10

Check out this week’s new releases and recommended tracks!  They include Alkaline Trio, Dave Matthews, Rogue Wave, and the New Monarchs.  Hope you’re all having a good spring break!  As always, we’ll be back next week with more new music, so make sure you keep checking our website for the latest happenings in the music industry!

Top 40 for the Week of 3.1.10

You ready for this week’s Top 40? Some of the top artists this week are seasoned artists (Spoon, Motion City Soundtrack) but some are new to the game (Mumford & Sons), proving that they have enough musical talent to top the charts among the rest. Oh yeah – it’s also Zach Morris’ birthday! Apparently, he’s ditched the blonde look! Man, I remember Saved By The Bell like it was yesterday. Forgive the nostalgia, but is anyone else feeling a bit old?