Megan Wilde-Wildfire
Megan Wilde-Wildfire
Release: May 19, 2015
Rate: 8/10
Megan Wilde’s debut is with her EP, Wildfire. There are a range of influences with instances of classic rock, funk, blues and jazz. Just like her music, Megan has a funky/groovy voice with great range. She reminds me of a mix of the late, Amy Winehouse, Aretha franklin, again with a bluesy rock edge of Grace Potter and the Nocturnals musically/instrumentally with some Janis Joplin vibes thrown in there.
Tourism Tuesday: Fridays After Five
Rabbit Wilde-The Heartland
Rabbit Wilde-The Heartland
Release: February 19, 2016
Rate: 6/10
Rabbit Wilde formerly known as Wild Rabbit is a multi-instrument playing quarter from Bellingham, WA. The band consists of brothers: Zach and Nathan Hamer, Miranda Zickler and Jillian Walker; the band is set to release their LP The Heartland, February 19 and it is to be a follow up from their EP Southern Hands released the Fall of 2015. Rabbit Wilde has a sound similar to The Lumineers, Of Monsters and Men, and The Civil Wars.
Late Night: Cecilia Grace
Museum Monday: Art Quilts
Daughters-Not To Disappear
Daughter-Not To disappear
Released: January 15, 2016
Rate: 10/10
The band Daughter, gained notoriety from their single, “Youth”. Their sophomore album, Not to disappear picks up right where the previous album lefts up. Though keeping with their “indie folk” mixed with similar sounds to bands like Warpaint, Phantogram and the artist “Ben Howard”. Creating an atmosphere, a world all their own, Daughters, gives its listener an array of melodies, colorful imagery, and Elena Tonrah’s voice is the glue that combines everything together creating the energy of Daughter.
Little King-OD1
Little King: OD1
Released: April 15, 2014
Rate: 4/10
It may be hard to believe but, Little King has been around for quite sometime, having formed in November of 1996. OD1 is one of the latest band released by the trio. The EP is a nod to classic roc, livened up with melodic guitar riffs; with a sound similar to Guns N’ Roses, Aerosmith, and many classic rock greats, the group seems to have missed the mark on this particular album.