Review: Jimi Goodwin-Odludek

Jimi-Goodwin-packshot-400x400Jimi Goodwin


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Grade: C+

Originally apart of the English rock band, “Doves” Jimi Goodwin’s solo album Odludek falls very short. Odludek is unable to seamlessly blend it’s many different sounds together, with one song being very rock, another being very folk-almost sounding like english rock counterparts, “Mumford & Sons.” This album also, seems to be lacking in quality musically-the vocals lack emotion, while musically everything seems to be all over the place sometimes leaving listeners wondering where one song ends and the next begins. The album does have some potential if Jimi plans on pursuing other projects, the bass lines are very solid, clearly showing how talented Jimi is on the bass, outside musical production-guitars, drums, etc, sounded superb on the album. This may just be the beginning for Jimi, though this album is a little lacking, he has great potential if he plans on continuing in a solo project, all is left in the air when it comes to the future of this english rocker.


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