Rocky Horror Picture Show on the Quad 10/25

Rocky Horror Picture Show on the Quad 10/25

“Let’s do the time-warp again…” and again and again. It’s that time of year for WLOY, where we get a little more wacky, a little more thrilling, a little more spoopy. For WLOY Halloween means watching Rocky Horror Picture Show on the quad with some friends in costumes. So, if you want to join in on the fun, come this Thursday, October 25th, from 8-10pm; not only will we be playing the movie, but we will also be doing giveaways for the best costumes! Also, for those who don’t know much about the film (please come) it is a cult-classic and is a musical that parodies science-fiction and B list horror movies. If that sounds wild, well it should. That aside, it is the most accurate way to describe the movie. Happy Halloween and we will see you Thursday!


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