Sugar Free Allstars – Sugar Free Allstars

15298 SFAS Album CoverSugar Free Allstars – Sugar Free Allstars

Released:  April 2, 2016

Rate: 6/10

Sugar Free Allstars self-titled album comes out April 2nd. The children’s artist takes a more new wave approach to children’s music. While some children’s music can be acoustic and pretty low-key, Sugar Free Allstars has elements of disco, jazz, blues, and funk that collectively make up their songs. This makes them very upbeat, akin to the personality and activity of young children. Their music is also something that adults can get into to, so if you have you’re on a long car ride and pop this album in, you can groove along as well. Sugar Free Allstars, is definitely unique in the world of Children’s music in that again it does appeal to many different age groups, their sound is to get you up to move and groove. The production is very good on the album and lyrically, it is very children friendly and easy to understand. Looking for a break from traditional children’s music? I would definitely get this album!


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