Wacky Wednesday: DogFest!

logo-dogfest2016-final-300x257What: Dogs!

Where: Baltimore Humane Society

When: Saturday, September 17th

Let’s be real: everyone loves dogs. If you don’t you’re either lying or allergic to them. Well, if you are allergic, then this event might not be for you since The Baltimore Humane Society will be overflowing with dogs on Saturday the 17th from 10am-4om. For everyone else though, tickets will be $15 at the door, which includes a free ticket to Magooby’s Joke House. This event has something for everyone (and every animal) with games, contests, crafts, and food. Enter your dog into a best costume contest, take him bowling, train him, and watch some cool demos together. OR, if you’re like me, check out some great vendors, raise some money for the Humane Society, pet every single dog, and try your hardest not to adopt all the animals. No matter what you plan is, you should definitely show up and support your local puppies.


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